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Kizz 99% Antibacterial Detergent Powder (Floral) (2 x 4kg) 2 Packs

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RM 29.00
Sale price
RM 29.00
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RM 0.00
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Kizz 99% Antibacterial Detergent Powder (Floral) (2 x 4kg) 2 Packs

* Seller Own Fleet

* Delivery to West Malaysia only

Kizz 99% Anitibacterial Detergent Powder. Keeping your family safe and healthy is a daily task, and nothing gets the job done better than household products with 99.9% antibacterial cleaning strength.

Specially formulated with 99.9% antibacterial strength, KIZZ detergent powder and floor cleaner effectively kill 99.9% bacteria from your clothes , floor and other living areas- the ideal sanitisation for the whole family.